Sunday, May 24, 2015

Bearing Fruit & Hearing From The Lord

Friends in the Lord,

I am sharing this video with you because it has encouraged my heart. However, I am also sharing it with you so that you may grow in his grace and the knowledge of our God when it comes to understanding spiritual fruit and building intimacy with Christ.
I had been a Christian for more than 17 years and I did not know that God speaks to his children today. "Why would he, when we have the bible," I was told. Well, he does because he is not an idol of stone. He has emotions, thoughts and feelings just like you and I and he proved it to me many times. We have been called to an intimate relationship with him as his bride. 

Not long ago, during one of my bible studies alone in my room, as I swept through the pages of Revelation, I thought to myself that soon I would do some research on the 7 churches. I was not sure if they represented actual churches and their purpose for being in the book of Revelation.

While I was having this thought a gentle voice interrupted my train of thought and said, "These are the ages". I immediately stopped and smiled. I then prayed and asked the Lord if this was from him and thanked him. I didn't know what the words meant since I have never heard of such a thing before. I googled the meaning of the 7 churches and information popped up headlining, "These are the ages." I then asked the Spirit to guide me through the articles. The first even though it stated it meant church ages, the Spirit directed me away from it and led me to the second article. We are currently in the age of the last church which Christ describe as "Lukewarm".

Please pray before receiving this word for the Holy Spirit's direction and sanctification.

You can check other videos from Mena at Faithful Walk Healing Ministry for background information as to how her ministry came about.


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